August 7 - Feast of Our Lady de los Reyes (Sevilla, Spain)

A Mother for All (II)

When I rose to Heaven, I missed her and she missed me. So she joined me directly, with her soul and her body. I could not do otherwise. It was the most suitable solution. The fingers which had touched God could not stop moving. The eyes which had seen God could not remain closed. The lips which kissed God could not become cold and stiff. This very pure body which had given a body to God could not be left to rot in the ground… I couldn’t do it to her, it was not possible, that would have cost me too much. I am God, I am her Son, and I’m the one who gives the orders. And then, God said, I did it for my brothers and sisters on earth so that they could have a Mother in Heaven. A real Mother, one of their own kind, in body and soul. So I gave them Mine.

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