April 30 - Feast of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786-1842)

The Messenger of Providence (II)

The lady was at Father Joseph Benedict’s side for no more than a minute when she began to comfort him in his sorrow and encourage him to trust in Divine Providence at all times. Then she gave him a ring surmounted with a precious stone and said to him, "Use this ring to pay off some of your debts. What is left to be paid will be taken care of by other means." Then she encouraged him again and went away. Sister Gabriela had been trying all the while to guess who the lady was. She would have liked to have got another close look her before the lady left; but the respect that the lady had inspired in her was so deep, she did not dare to raise the eyes up to her and study her face again. However, she was very eager to know more and she went back again to see the priest. When she found him this time he looked years younger, and seemed completely refreshed and very cheerful. “Father,” she asked cheerfully, “who was that noble lady whom I did not dare to look at twice straight in the face?” “That lady,” answered the saint, “did not come from down below as you may suppose, but from above. It was the Blessed Virgin Mary.” And then, he told her about his accident, and admitted to her that he had come back home earlier than expected so defeated, because one of his creditors had mistreated him and strongly offended him in the street.

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