April 23 - Our Lady of the Penha (Brazil)

Saved by a Fervent “Hail Mary” (I)

We had embarked on a mission with a couple of helicopters on a frigate, when we suddenly discovered the absence of a crew member, a sailor who should have been on duty at the time. As usual in similar circumstances, we immediately sent out search parties in all directions until we were forced to admit that the sailor must have fallen over board. The commander canceled the mission, gave orders to turn back and follow the same path that we had just traversed. The helicopter received orders to take off as soon as possible and search methodically for the man overboard. The search continued for several hours, the explored area grew larger and larger. The crew on the footbridge of the ship was overcome with doubt and feelings of discouragement. Cadiou, the winch operator (appointed to the position on the rescue winch) had a partial view over the ocean. After several hours of fruitless searching over the liquid mass, he observed with dismay that the sun was setting in the west. He knew that a man without a life jacket could not last for long on the ocean’s surface. He realized that daylight was diminishing, which meant that the helicopter would soon have to turn back and land on its platform since the pilot would no longer have sufficient vision to be able to continue searching. Assailed by feelings of helplessness and despair, a thought suddenly came to his mind that what is impossible for human beings is not impossible in Heaven. So he addressed a fervent prayer to the Blessed Virgin and silently prayed in his heart a “Hail Mary”.

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